Event Sanction Request Form




  1. The following terms have these meanings in this Policy: 
  2. “Events” – Includes training sessions, club trips, meetings, festivals, competitions, and other gatherings of individuals registered with the AWA.
  3. “Host” – The individual, club, or group that wants to run or host a sanctioned Event.


  1. The AWA is committed to providing an environment that promotes standard and fair competition. Therefore, Hosts wishing to run Events must first seek approval and sanction from the AWA. Irresponsible behaviour, unfair competition, or an unsafe environment can result in severe damage to the sport, to participants, to the AWA, and to Hosts. This Policy provides sanctioning regulations that will help ensure that Events are safe, fair, and protect the health and welfare of the participants.

Application of this Policy

  1. This Policy applies to all Events that are organized and run by Hosts. 


  1. Only the Events sanctioned by the AWA are covered by the AWA’s insurance.

Pre-Sanctioned Events

  1. The following Events are pre-sanctioned: 
  2. Practices and training sessions/courses
  3. Regular club trips
  4. Events hosted by the AWA
  5. Meetings; particularly meetings of the Board, general meetings, committee meetings, and parent orientations

Events Requiring Sanction

  1. Events that are not pre-sanctioned require sanction in accordance with this Policy. Hosts require sanction to run the following: 
  2. Festivals
  3. Competitions
  4. Provincial championships
  5. Coach or official certification clinics (private enterprise not included) 
  6. Certain fundraising activities

Requesting a Sanction

  1. Sanctions may be requested by submitting a Sanction Application Form (Appendix B or Online).
  2. Requests for sanctions must be submitted by Hosts to the AWA’s Executive Director, in writing or by email at least thirty (30) days prior to the Event.
  3. Requests for sanctions with less than thirty (30) days notice shall be accompanied by a written statement giving reasons for requesting an exemption to the time limitation. The decision to accept, or not accept, the late sanction request will be at the sole discretion of the AWA and may not be appealed.
  4. If the Event is cancelled, fees may be refunded up to seven (7) days prior to the Event.
  5. The request for sanction will be approved or denied by the AWA. 

Sanction Request Evaluation

  1. For each sanction request, the AWA will consider the following; 
  2. The Host’s status with the AWA 
  3. The Host’s capability of meeting the AWA’s sanctioning requirements, or other factors relating to the operations of the Event
  4. Success of previous sanctioned Events (if applicable)
  5. Issues with previous sanctioned Events (if applicable)
  6. Any issue or matter which the AWA deems may affect the AWA’s ability to obtain insurance coverage
  7. Any issue or matter which the AWA deems may damage the reputation of the AWA or that may introduce unreasonable safety concerns

Sanction Request Refusals

  1. If the sanction is refused, the AWA will provide reasons for the refusal.
  2. Sanction request refusals may be appealed under the terms of the AWA’s Appeal Policy.

Sanctioned Request Approvals

  1. If the sanction is approved, the AWA will have the AWA Responsibilities as described in Appendix A.
  2. Sanctioned events must comply with the Sanctioned Event Compliance Regulations, as described in this Policy.
  3. Sanctions are not transferable and new sanctions must be obtained each year for annual Events.

Sanctioned Event Compliance Regulations

  1. The Event must be conducted in accordance with all applicable policies and technical standards as established by the AWA.
  2. The Host must fulfill the Host Responsibilities as described in Appendix A.
  3. If fundraising is to occur through the sale of 50-50 tickets, raffle tickets or other gaming activity, it is the responsibility of the Host to ensure that all applicable provincial and municipal gaming permits, rules and regulations are adhered to.

Sanction Revocation

  1. A sanction may be revoked at the discretion of the AWA under the following circumstances: 
  2. Any time in advance of the Event if the Host fails to fulfill its obligations under this Policy; and/or
  3. During the Event if a representative from the AWA determines that technical standards are not being met or if the safety of participants or patrons is at risk. In this case, the Event will terminate immediately.


  1. A Host, individual or group that violates this Policy may be the subject of a complaint submitted pursuant to the AWA’s Discipline and Complaints Policy.


Appendix A – Host and AWA Responsibilities

Host Responsibilities

For each sanctioned event, the Host must:

  1. Ensure the AWA logo is visible on all promotions and advertisement and include the phrase “Sanctioned by the Alberta Whitewater Association”.
  2. Comply with all AWA policies and procedures.
  3. Ensure that the number of participants within a group does not exceed public health restrictions.
  4. Ensure that the Event Director will agree to follow the AWA guidelines on Risk Management and Safety.
  5. Assume the financial, administrative and organizational responsibilities for the delivery of programming, including, but not limited to, all taxes, fees, staff, merchandise and marketing.
  6. Act in a manner that promotes a positive and professional public image.
  7. Track the number of participants and disclose a Final Event Report to the AWA within the requested timelines.
  8. Provide payment to AWA for any invoices associated with the event within 30 days of receipt.
  9. Provide first aid supplies and have individuals in attendance who are trained in Emergency First Aid and CPR.
  10. Be responsible for the conduct and supervision of all people attending the event to ensure all requirements contained in the Sanctioning Policy are observed. Vandalism, littering, and abusive language will be cause to immediately revoke the sanction and reject future applications for sanction. No refund will be granted.
  11. Ensure that no alcoholic beverages will be permitted to be served at the Event unless a permit has been granted and written permission from the AWA has been issued. Failure to comply with this section will result in the immediate revocation of the sanction.
  12. Submit an Emergency Action Plan to the AWA two weeks prior to the event.
  13. Ensure that all participants are registered with the AWA.
  14. Ensure any new participants at the Event register with a club or with the AWA (as applicable) and sign the AWA’s Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Claims and Liability Agreement before participating
  15. After the completion of the Event, calculate any additional amounts owing and forward the amount to the AWA within two weeks of completion of the Event along with the Final Event Report. Hosts that fail to submit a Final Event Report after 10 business days following the Event’s completion will be placed in bad standing with the AWA and shall be charged a late fee of $10 per day.

AWA Responsibilities

After approving a sanction request, the AWA will:

  1. Designate the Host as a non-exclusive sanctioned service provider during all Event promotions.
  2. Grant to the Host a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the AWA logo, with the approval of AWA Staff.
  3. Provide the Host: 
  4. With promotion of the Event in appropriate AWA promotion channels
  5. With a list of possible Event Directors, if requested.
  6. The opportunity to use the AWA Event Trailer, if requested (in accordance with the Event Trailer policy).

The following documents must accompany this Application Form:

  1. Fees in the amount of $0
  2. Emergency Action Plan (submitted two weeks prior to the Event)
  3. COVID-19 Plan (until Alberta Health no longer has restrictions in place)
  4. List of registered participants (in order to confirm membership status): 
  5. One week prior to the start of the sanctioned event
  6. Within one week of the end of the event

Event Terms and Conditions

By submitting this Application Form, the Host agrees to adhere to the AWA’s Sanctioning Policy and acknowledges that they have the responsibilities described therein.


By submitting this Application Form, the Host acknowledges that the AWA may revoke a granted sanction pursuant to the terms described in Sanctioning Policy. A refund will not be provided. The Host may withdraw its sanction application at any time, even after a sanction has been granted.

Release of Liability and Indemnification 

By submitting this Application Form, the Host agrees to unconditionally indemnify on a joint basis, defend, and hold harmless the AWA, its employees, volunteers, directors, officers, agents and representatives from and against any and all third party claims, liability, losses, demands, suits, expenses judgments, awards, fines, and fees (including court cost and lawyer fees) arising out of or incidental to the Event. The Host will promptly notify the AWA of any such claims. 

Submission of the Application Form

Submission of a completed Application Form and applicable documents, along with payment of the applicable fees, will constitute a complete sanction request. Completed sanction requests can be submitted to:

Executive Director – AWA – admin@albertawhitewater.ca


Event Director
Lead contact person
Type of Event
AWA has a fully stocked catering trailer for sanctioned club events.
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