Here are some resources to develop programs, facilities and activities for your Club. Every 5 years the Alberta Government surveys Albertans to determine what they are actively doing and what they want to do. Paddling sports consistently ranks very high and this document supports that finding. Alberta Recreation Survey 2022  Alberta Recreation Survey 2017 chart 3.pdf   Alberta Recreation Survey 2017 chart 4.pdf   AB-Rec Survey-2013.pdf Â
Many clubs have good relationships with their local pool to get started. Attached are some documents on why Pools need to have kayaking in their pool and why it can benefit their operating plan.
Schools in Pools - Pool Business Plan1.pdfÂ
Financial Plan for kayaks in pools.pdf
Another good mechanismm to introduce your community to kayaking is through your local school. This document is intended for teachers but you can use it with your local school to help them understand why they need to get their classrooms into a kayak this year.Â
Physical Literacy 1.pdf
Paddle for Life 2015 Schools.pdf
Your club's ability to run programs will be limited by the type of facility that you have to teach and train on. This template is intended to help you look at the possibility of transforming a pond, lake, creek or river into a functional facility for paddling sports. If you have an idea that you want to kick around please reach out to the AWA's Executive Director for help. 403-628-2336 or
Whitewater Paddling Centre Template.pdf
To be successful you will need access to some funding. Government Grants, Casinos, Special Events are all ways for your club to earn money to buy equipment, rent facilities and pay for Instructors.
One of the easiest forms of fundraising is to run a casino. It takes 2 days work with 17 shifts each day. Your organization must have financial records and programming for 2 years before you can apply. Edmonton & Calgary groups will earn about $70,000 every 21 months. This translates into $40,000/year. Groups outside the cities earn about $40,000 every 36Â months and this translates into $10-$15,000/year.
Your club has to have this clause in its bylaws before you can apply, specifying how any assets will be handled in the event of the dissolution of your society.  Bylaw Addition.pdf
To apply you will need to tell the AGLC what you do and how you will spend your money. These forms can help you through that process.  COMMUNITY BENEFIT STATEMENT - generic.pdf   Casino application generic.pdf
The Alberta Community Initiatives Program can provide up to $75,000 in capital funding and $75,000 in operational funding to your club. More information and templates to follow.MARKETING
To be successful you will need to let people know who you are and what you are doing. The Club Marketing Manual will help you to tell your story and enlist more people to support your club.
Club Marketing Manual.pdf