Women's Whitewater Weekend 2024

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Welcome to the Women’s Whitewater Weekend! We’re so excited to host this event again and we’re looking forward to a wicked gathering of ladies!


This year Women’s Whitewater Weekend will be held in Jasper National Park from July 26-29, 2024 (note the NEW EXTENSION TO MONDAY - an extra night of camping so folks can leave Monday if they want to). We will be at the Whirlpool group campsite, a comfortable riverside location with lots of nearby river runs in scenic surroundings.



Friday instructors and volunteer leads/sweeps can meet to do familiarization runs, time TBD (IF YOU VOLUNTEER FOR LEAD OR SWEEP PLEASE AIM TO BE AVAILABLE ON FRIDAY EVENING TO JOIN IN THE FAMILIARIZATION). 

Saturday: 9:30 am group meetup

Sunday: 10:00 group meet (after camping pack up)

Monday: Casual runs, organized ad lib over the weekend. Clear campsite by 11:00 am. 


Participation Options:

Novice Kayaker Program: We are offering 6 spaces for novice paddlers in a 2 day course offered via AQ Instructor Hanna Gazzard. AQ Ooutdoors.  

Intermediate Level Rolling in the River Group Run: Opportunity for intermediate level paddlers who are already proficient in a pool setting or semi-confident on a river a chance to practice river rolls during a peer led river run on the Athabasca River on Saturday morning. Please indicate your interest below so we can get an idea on numbers. Spots will be limited, and sign up will be on the weekend itself. 

Peer led kayak river runs: To participate independently over the weekend, you must have the ability to self-rescue on a class II river.

*at this time we are only organizing leads and sweeps for kayaking. If you are able to provide safety for yourself in another craft you are still welcome to join.

Peer led SUP Runs: To participate independently over the weekend, you must have the ability to self-rescue on a class II river.


All women, transgendered, and non-binaries are welcome. Please don’t register or attend if you’re a cis male.

You must be an AWA (Alberta Whitewater Association) member to attend this event. You can become an AWA member directly for $15: https://www.albertawhitewater.ca/individual-membership or join your local club that’s affiliated with AWA: https://www.albertawhitewater.ca/find-club


Comments and notes to registrants:


You will need a National Parks Pass to attend the event.

Refund policy: a full refund will be provided for cancellation notice by July 12, 2024. July 12th. After that there is a 20% cancellation fee retained.

To participate independently over the weekend, you must have the ability to self-rescue on a class II river. Other paddlers will assist with rescues when possible, but you are always the person primarily responsible for your own safety. Paddlers must be able to eddy in and out on class II and should have a minimum experience of 20 days kayaking on moving water (if an experienced kayaker has invited you to attend the event with them, and they are taking responsibility for you, then you are welcome to attend with that person).

AWA Profile - Fields
If not, please go here and register https://www.albertawhitewater.ca/membership
to select this option you acknowledge that have previously taken an introductory river course & you will register for the BVKC novice course
Class II Rivers: Ability to paddle self-directed on class II - perform eddy turns etc, ability to self-rescue
Class II+III Rivers
Class III-IV Rivers
Class IV Rivers
What watercraft will you paddle for the weekend?
Have you taken Swiftwater Rescue?
Are you experienced in rescues and available to assist with rescues?
Are you willing to lead runs? Select those that apply:
Are you willing to sweep runs? Select those that apply:
Early bird registration fee of $40 valid to 31 May, following this price increase to $50. If you are willing to volunteer as a lead or sweep for runs, your fee is $0 (please update cell to $0)
Camping Options for 3 Nights
Enter amount below
Enter amount below & contact organizer to reserve 1 of 3 spots
Enter number below

We are capped at 50 campers.There are 10 oversized tent pads which can fit 2 x 4 person hiking tents = event is capped at 20 camp spots. Room for 3 trailers up to 25ft and parking for cars for those
sleeping in vehicles
. If you are splitting a sleeping unit you only pay once.

Lead Camping = Free
Camping fee 3 nights = $45/sleeping unit (tent/trailer/car)
Sharing camping unit = $0
Not camping at Whirlpool site = $0

Billing Address
Payment Information
Total $ 0.00
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